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About Us Who  We  Are

The Ottawa Valley Poodle Club was formed in 1988 by a small group of dedicated poodle owners who were actively involved in conformation, obedience, breeding and responsible pet ownership. Official recognition was granted by the Canadian Kennel Club on August 1, 1989, and our first Specialty Show was held on September 7, 1991.
Since those early beginnings our membership has grown to more than 50 people. We have organized eye and blood clinics, grooming seminars, sheepherding clinics, a variety of fundraisers, held annual Specialty Shows, Obedience , Rally-O and Agility Trials. In addition, we hold three or more General Meetings during the year, as well as a Poodle Picnic in July and a Christmas Party in December
NEW in 2022! ZOOM educational seminars, free for members.

Our Executive Please consider volunteering!

Rosemary is a Standard Poodle Breeder under the kennel prefix Elan Reg'd Poodles. "Love the diversity of Poodles! They really can do anything. I’ve done obedience, conformation, agility and therapy with mine and have still only scratched the surface! " Rosemary is also Director and Show Chair of Kingston and District Kennel Club. 

President - Rosemary Euringer

Rosemary is a Standard Poodle Breeder under the kennel prefix Elan Reg’d Poodles. “Love the diversity of Poodles! They really can do anything. I’ve done obedience, conformation, agility and therapy with mine and have still only scratched the surface! ” Rosemary is also Director and Show Chair of Kingston and District Kennel Club. 
Lisa Kimberly Glickman has been a member of the OVPC since 2005 & VP since 2012. She occasionally breeds standard poodles under the prefix Glicks. She does participate in conformation shows from time to time, but her true love is handling her dogs in therapeutic work as well as rally, obedience and, sometimes, agility. She was Past President of Poodle Club of Canada and Past President of Versatility in Poodles, and founder of the not-for-profit organization Canine Advantage Resources and Education. Apart from her passion for poodles, Lisa Kimberly is a Montreal area-based professional artist and educator.

Vice-President - Lisa Kimberly Glickman

Lisa Kimberly Glickman has been a member of the OVPC since 2005 & VP since 2012. She occasionally breeds standard poodles under the prefix Glicks. She does participate in conformation shows from time to time, but her true love is handling her dogs in therapeutic work as well as rally, obedience and, sometimes, agility. She was Past President of Poodle Club of Canada and Past President of Versatility in Poodles, and founder of the not-for-profit organization Canine Advantage Resources and Education. Apart from her passion for poodles, Lisa Kimberly is a Montreal area-based professional artist and educator.

Secretary - Lyne Lapalme

Lyne is active in rally obedience and dog tricks, with Fannie, her miniature poodle, but has competed in agility and obedience with her as well.  She has also done therapy work with her first dog, Jasmine (bichon X), with St. John’s Ambulance Therapy Dog.

Treasurer- Wendy McCollough

Wendy loves the versatility, intelligence and intuition of her standard poodles as well as their wonderful impish sense of humour.  Their first love is tracking but they also enjoy therapy work, agility, rally, scent work and just about any other activity they encounter. She is very pleased to be able to give back to the breed that has brought her so much joy by volunteering as Treasurer. She brings years of experience with balancing books for three companies including her own business.

Quebec Director: Nathalie Belair

Mon amour des caniches a débuté dès ma naissance quand ma mère a acheté notre premier caniche. J’élève le caniche nain et moyen depuis1997 sous l’affixe Attitude reg’d. Je suis impliquée dans plusieurs clubs canins tels que le Mount Royal Toy Dog Fancier (à titre de secrétaire), comme bénévole auprès de l’Union des éleveurs canin du Québec et Ottawa Valley Poodle Club (dont je suis membre depuis plusieurs années). Ma passion : LE CANICHE sera toujours ce qui me fait vibrer! _____My love for poodles started at birth when my mother bought a poodle. I’ve been raising poodles since 1997 under the suffix Attitude reg’d. I’m also involved in several dog clubs as the Mount Royal Toy Dog Fancier (as secretary), as a volounteer with l’Union des éleveurs canins du Québec and very happy to join as Quebec director of the Ottawa Valley Poodle Club (which I’ve been a member for several years). My passion : POODLES that’s what my life is all about!

Conformation Chairs: Sue Bowering and Amy Jackson

Sue bred miniatures for many years under the prefix Subria. She has been our Show Chair for many, many years.  Amy breeds miniature poodles under the prefix Fringe. She is active in the conformation show ring and is looking to try more performance activities with her dogs. She thoroughly enjoys spending time outdoors with her poodles and sneaking them into the office on workdays.

Education Chair: VACANT

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Communications: VACANT

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Webmaster: Vacant

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